Integration of xapian in a framework

James Aylett james-xapian at
Thu Mar 10 17:21:58 GMT 2016

On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 05:59:38PM +0530, Ayush Gupta wrote:

> Could you please expand on the project idea of integration of xapian in a
> framework with an example. I did not fully understand the requirements of
> this project.

It would be about adding or improving support for Xapian when used
with some sort of programming framework, probably a web development
framework like Rails, Django, Play, &c. You'd need experience with the
framework you wanted to work with, and to think about the use cases
that need to be supported, and design an API to allow them to be

Trac (which is mentioned in the project description) effectively
contains its own framework, which is why that's under the same

It's a little difficult to provide concrete requirements, because
that's very dependent on the framework you choose and what you want to
make possible. For instance, Django has a search abstraction system
called Haystack, so for that it might make sense to improve the Xapian
support there. For others, there may be no support at all and you'd
have to start from scratch.

> Also I want to discuss an idea of my own. Xapian doesn't have an auto
> complete feature. It is quite common for an search engine to have an auto
> complete feature. What I propose is a  API that is totally separate from
> xapian core, has its own indexing and learns from user queries as well as
> documents. I know this is a very rough idea, please help me refine it. What
> are your views on this?

It sounds like an interesting project, but it's difficult to evaluate
further until you've put some more detail around it. That's the big
difference between a project we've listed and one you come up with
yourself. If you can get it to a draft proposal in some form, then we
can provide feedback on that. At this point, beyond saying that it
sounds like a good idea I can't offer any concrete suggestions, as I
mostly have questions :-)

Some things that I think you should consider in the proposal include
what API you're suggesting for it (try starting by writing the code
you'd want to write to use it, and see what feels natural). Another
key aspect would be to explain what it is about autocomplete that
couldn't be achieved by directly using Xapian (perhaps with a separate
database for autocomplete). Other things to consider include how
synonyms and spelling correction would apply, if at all? What sort of
ranking model makes sense for autocompletion? What sort of data are
you dealing with? You suggest it could learn from user queries; your
proposal should explain how, and what benefit that would provide (over
just the initially-indexed data).


  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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