Ranking: Project: Weighting Schemes

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Thu Mar 17 12:39:31 GMT 2016

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 01:38:25PM -0300, Franco Giustozzi wrote:

> I'm Franco from Argentina, coursing my fifth year of undergraduate studies
> in Computer Science from National University of Rosario and I'm definitely
> interested in this Project.

Hi, Franco. Welcome to Xapian!

> I have been reading the available documentation and getting familiar
> with the code.  I wonder if there are some warm up tasks to do?

Some people have being implementing other SMART normalisations for
TF/IDF as a warm up task, but I know that not all of the remaining
ones are practical to implement in Xapian.

An alternative is just to pick up a small project ('bite size') or a
ticket. This is quite a good view of the open tickets; it groups by
component so you can skip through things you aren't interested in or
don't feel comfortable working on:



  James Aylett, occasional trouble-maker

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