Logging the click data

Vivek Pal vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 12:45:49 BST 2017

> > I'm not clear on what the OFFSET really represents. Could you
> > please explain a bit?
> Omega paginates results (as does Xapian's MSet, internally). So if
> you're displaying the second page of results, you'll need to know
> that when building training data. It's affected by TOPDOC and also
> by the <>[# CGI variables, but internally to omega there's one
> variable it's mapped onto.
> In omegascript, you can find this using $topdoc.

Thanks for the explanation. Understood now.

> > In the end, we will have two files it seems -- one created from the
> > query template containing separate entries for each executed search
> > as per the format you described previously and another containing
> > query IDs and click URLs logged using a different template?
> Yes, that's right. I recommend logging Xapian docids instead of click
> URLs for the reason previously discussed.

Yes, I'll use docids instead of click URLs as you recommend. Now
for the first step i.e logging separate entries for each executed
search from the query template, I wanted to know if I should modify
the existing log command or implement a separate one? Although,
I think if we implement a new one we'll have a certain level of flexibility
for achieving our purpose.

> > It doesn't seem to comply with the format
> > mentioned in its documentation as it expects two arguments but
> > we provide only one here i.e. query.log and what does this
> > argument mean?
> The [] means that the second parameter is optional. Indeed, the
> documentation says:
> ENTRY defaults to a format similar to the Common Log Format
> used by webservers.

Thanks, it's clear to me now. I didn't come across the fact that
the parameters in square brackets are assumed to be optional.
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