Logging the click data

Vivek Pal vivekpal.dtu at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 17:19:37 BST 2017

> The log command will be executed wherever it is in the template.
> By "current system user", what do you mean? There'll need to be
> write permission for the CGI process, which is probably the same
> identity as the web server process.

I basically changed the ownership of the /var/log/omega directory to
the current user using:

sudo chown `whoami` /var/log/omega

But I forgot to grant write permission to that directory. After
granting the required permission it works fine. By current system
user, I meant the `whoami`.

> Why does it matter? You can dedupe in post-processing, which is
> probably easier than detecting a genuinely new search.

You are right; deduplicating in post-processing seems better option.

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