[Xapian-discuss] xapian + plpgsql crash? have backtrace...

Eric Parusel eparusel at creativens.com
Sat Oct 30 08:53:24 BST 2004

Olly Betts wrote:
> Is Xapian being used in a threaded way here?  QueryParser currently uses
> a few global static objects (because it uses Bison) which means it's
> currently not safely reentrant.

Well, I'm not sure what magic pl/perl uses to do it's job, but the 
function (shown earlier in this thread) is relatively simple, I think.
I've never really tinkered with perl and threads...

> QueryParser does play with Query objects a lot, so it's a plausible
> explanation.  If that's the issue, a quick fix would be to add a mutex
> to the XS wrapper for QueryParser and use it to marshal access.
> If not, I'd suggest trying Search::Xapian which Alex uploaded
> a day or two ago (thanks Alex!)  It mostly adds wrappers for a load
> of methods we weren't wrapping, but I fixed some miswrapped methods
> too so it's conceivable it might help...

I've just installed onto the FreeBSD test box, and I got the 
same result (crash on the 2nd execution of the function) and output 
(same filesize for both sets of debug logs).


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