[Xapian-discuss] Xapian 0.8.2 released

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Fri Sep 17 00:16:19 BST 2004

On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 11:43:13PM +0100, Fabrice Colin wrote:
> Output is :
> /usr/share/tcl8.4

Ah, debian uses /usr/lib/tcl8.4 so I coded assuming lib not share.

> Both /usr/bin/tclsh and /usr/include/tcl.h exist.

And debian names the header /usr/include/tcl8.X/tcl.h (so you can
install -dev packages for more than one version at once I imagine).

OK, one better configure test checked in.  I can't test of FC2, but
hopefully it'll do the trick.

> I have also noticed that 'make install' ignores prefix and requires 
> DESTDIR to be set for the Python files that live in site-packages, ie
> I need to call "make prefix=/blah DESTDIR=/blah" for xapian.py* and 
> _xapian.so to be installed relatively to "/blah" instead of "/".
> A side-effect is that the Python docs are then installed in
> "/blah/blah"...

It's intended to ignore the prefix and install where python is installed
(since if our prefix is /usr/local and python is in /usr installing
the module under /usr/local isn't helpful.

There should be an "install where I tell you" mode though, so users
without root access can install the bindings for themselves.  Most
scripting languages seem to allow that.

> I can barely keep my eyes open now so I think I'll try again tomorrow
> morning with CVS HEAD :-)

OK, cool.


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