[Xapian-discuss] Another PHP 5 wrapper...

James Aylett james-xapian at tartarus.org
Wed Apr 5 16:59:30 BST 2006

On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 05:28:53PM +0200, Daniel Ménard wrote:

> It would also be good to have the opinion of other xapian and php
> experts...

For the record, although I am mainly responsible for python things in
the Xapian bindings, I have a lot of PHP background from my more
sinister commercial dealings. I don't always have a huge amount of
time, but I'm happy to offer thoughts and so on as things
progress. (Although I haven't had a chance to look at either of your
bindings yet - sorry!)


  James Aylett                                                  xapian.org
  james at tartarus.org                               uncertaintydivision.org

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