[Xapian-discuss] gettin erro with xapian binidngs 0.9.5

durga bidaye doubtfire40008 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 18 04:06:47 BST 2006


i had created an indexer n searcher in php in 0.9.4 and it was workin fine.
now i installed 0.9.5 but i m getting following error

*Fatal error*: No matching function for overloaded 'Document_add_posting' in
*/home/jana/public_html/final_file_search/file_indexer.php* on line *48

*this is the fragment of my code where i m gettin the error.
$doc = new_Document();

//count is used to overcome an error in extract_from_file11..it returns a
file containing one extracted devanagari word per line plus its postion(ie.
on which line it appears..line is defined as something that ends with Hindi
"|" ie.full stop)

foreach($lines as $l)
$pieces=explode(" ",$l);
$term= rtrim(souindics(souindics_preprocess($pieces[0])));
echo $term." ".$pieces[1]."<br>";
Document_add_posting($doc, $term, $pos);

}//end for
WritableDatabase_add_document($database, $doc);

$database = Null;


Plz help.... Btw i had to install 0.9.5 coz i reinstalled my OS n on
xapian.org, the earlier version ie. 0.9.4 was not available. Can i obtain
the earlier version somehow?


doubtfire40008 at gmail.com

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