[Xapian-discuss] Help!

Jim Lynch jim at fayettedigital.com
Sun Apr 23 11:28:43 BST 2006

The wiki articles, http://wiki.xapian.org/ , might get you started.

Riannamay at aol.com wrote:

>Hello, OK waving a white flag here, I have searched through all the  
>documents to try to find something that will explain Omega to me for someone who  
>isn't versed in developing. Can't find what I need, in other words, I have to  
>admit it, I need help please. I looked through all the read me and install files  
>including doing searches on the xapian site itself and the language that  
>explains how to use this program is over my head. 
>I would love to learn to use Omega but can't do it on my own initially.  
>Can't afford to pay anyone with cash but can pay anyone who will help me with  
>about 15 fantastic free computer programs and web site tools. Also if  things go 
>well on my web site I can pay you more someday. What I have done so  far is 
>downloaded Omega and the xapian core both on my computer and the server.  I 
>unpacked them on the server into these two directories xapian-core-N.NN and  
>omega-N.NN but put them in the ftp area because I wasn't real sure where to  put 
>I follow step by step directions really well, so it won't be real hard to  
>lead me through it...but you'll have to explain it to me as you would to  anyone 
>who isn't versed on all this. When I reply to you by email you  can just get 
>back to my emails when you have the time, I don't want to intrude  too much on 
>your own life. I really hope someone will help. Thank you very,  very, much. 
>Please email me directly at _riannamay at aol.com_ (mailto:riannamay at aol.com)    
>Sincerely,  Rianna
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