[Xapian-discuss] How to use Linux commands for Omega

Riannamay at aol.com Riannamay at aol.com
Mon Apr 24 14:23:48 BST 2006

So I am going to need to know how to insert commands directly  into Linux? 
Where can I read up on how to do this? I am using a newer Dell with  windows xp 
and my server is go daddy and I am using Linux. Thanks a lot,  Rianna
The example was developed on Linux.   It's not really applicable  to 
Windows, in detail.  However the general concepts will be the  same.

Be sure to read all the files in the omega.0.9.5/docs directory  too.

What OS and web server are you running  on?

Riannamay at aol.com wrote:

> What I am having trouble  with is where you are entering all of these 
> commands. Are you using the  command prompt, dos, what?  Thanks a lot. 
> Rianna
> In a message dated 4/23/2006 3:27:43 A.M. Pacific  Standard Time, 
> jim at fayettedigital.com writes:
>   The wiki articles, http://wiki.xapian.org/ , might get you  started.
>     Jim.
>      Riannamay at aol.com wrote:
>     >Hello, OK waving  a white flag here, I have searched through all the 
>      >documents to try to find something that will explain Omega to  me
>     for someone who 
>      >isn't versed in developing. Can't find what I need, in other
>   words, I have to 
>     >admit it, I need  help please. I looked through all the read me
>     and  install files 
>     >including doing searches on the  xapian site itself and the
>     language that  
>     >explains how to use this program is over my  head.
>     >
>     >I would  love to learn to use Omega but can't do it on my own
>      initially. 
>     >Can't afford to pay anyone with cash  but can pay anyone who will
>     help me with  
>     >about 15 fantastic free computer programs and  web site tools.
>     Also if  things go
>   >well on my web site I can pay you more someday. What I have  done
>     so  far is
>      >downloaded Omega and the xapian core both on my computer and  the
>     server.  I
>      >unpacked them on the server into these two directories
>   xapian-core-N.NN and 
>     >omega-N.NN but  put them in the ftp area because I wasn't real
>     sure  where to  put
>     >them.
>   >
>     >I follow step by step  directions really well, so it won't be real
>     hard to  
>     >lead me through it...but you'll have to explain  it to me as you
>     would to  anyone
>   >who isn't versed on all this. When I reply to you by email you  
>     can just get
>     >back to  my emails when you have the time, I don't want to
>      intrude  too much on
>     >your own life. I really  hope someone will help. Thank you very, 
>     very,  much.
>     >Please email me directly at  _riannamay at aol.com_
>      (mailto:riannamay at aol.com)   
>      >Sincerely,  Rianna
>     >
>   >
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