[Xapian-discuss] Phrase search performance

David Levy dvid.levy at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 19:33:59 GMT 2006

Hi Alex,

what is your hardware ?
How many documents do you have in your flint database ?

wow .. I am complaining about search time > 0.5s and you have search time >
1 min !

I don't use phrase searching but that sounds really bad performances.


On 2/20/06, Alex Deucher <alexdeucher at gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there any way to speed up phrase searches?  What sort of
> performance should I expect?  Currently when I search against a 5.3 GB
> flint database it takes 4.5 minutes for a simple 2 word phrase.  Is
> that reasonable performance?  I've seen some other threads about
> xapian phrase performance, but none seem to indicate what reletively
> "normal" performance should be and I'm not sure what I should expect.
> I'm using the perl interface to xapian 0.9.2.  I'm building my own
> Query objects rather than using QueryParser since we use ':' as part
> of our field prefix.  What popped out at me was that my query looks
> like:
> Xapian::Query((FIELD:term1 PHRASE 2 FIELD:term2))
> while QueryParser's looks like:
> Xapian::Query((term1(pos=1) PHRASE 2 term2(pos=2)))
> where is the position information coming from and how do I add it to
> my query?  Will it help or is it irrelevant?  The query object (at
> least the perl interface) only allows me to build queries of the form:
> ("term")
> or
> (OP, "term", "term"...)
> or
> (OP, query, query...)
> I can't seem to specify position.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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David LEVY {selenium}
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