[Xapian-discuss] Re: Remote databases and daemons

Michel Pelletier michel at dialnetwork.com
Mon Mar 27 08:53:48 BST 2006

Philip Neustrom wrote:

> Here's what I'm thinking:  Write a small xapian-daemon server in
> Python that listens on TCP and can index and search.  Because xapian
> can only do one write at a time (last i checked?) the server will keep
> a queue of index requests and apply them in order/thread to avoid
> blocking.  Is this something that's useful or is there a more
> xapiantic way to do this?

Here is a twisted perspective broker server object that is xapwrap 
specific but gives you the basic pattern for a multi-threaded reader 
daemon in Python.  Just replace the xapwrap read only indexes with 
xapian databases, etc.  xaql.query_xapwrap is a function that does the 
actual query which you would also replace with your own.

As for writing a single thread and connection is all that's needed and 
obvious enough.

#! /usr/bin/python

from twisted.internet import threads
from twisted.spread import pb
from twisted.python import threadable

from xapwrap.index import SmartIndex, SmartReadOnlyIndex
from xapwrap.document import Document, TextField, SortKey

import pool
import xaql

class Xapd(pb.Root):

     def __init__(self, path):
         self.readers = pool.Pool(pool.Constructor(SmartReadOnlyIndex, 

     def remote_query(self, query):
         d = self.readers.get()
         r = threads.deferToThread(xaql.query_xapwrap, d, query)
         return r

if __name__ == '__main__':

     from twisted.internet import reactor

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