[Xapian-discuss] Re: Remote databases and daemons, corrected

Michel Pelletier michel at dialnetwork.com
Mon Mar 27 09:23:05 BST 2006

So much for posting raw code, there is a bit of a silly error in that 
code, the deferred callback must put the connection back into the pool 
instead of immediately in remote_query.

Here's one that's a bit more verbose but gets the job done, but then 
again I'll have to do some more testing.  I should have known when 
threads and then twisted on top of that get involved, it takes some 
thought ;)

     def remote_query(self, query):

         def _query(d, q):
             return d, xaql.query_xapwrap(d, q)

         def _return((d, q)):
             return q

         return threads.deferToThread(_query, self.readers.get(), 

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