[Xapian-discuss] phraze recognition, intersection

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Wed Apr 4 10:13:43 BST 2007

On Tue, Apr 03, 2007 at 12:35:16AM +0300, Lucian Nicolescu wrote:
> I have the folowing info: a xapian text document postings and terms and a
> list of search phrazes.
> I need to identify any of the phrazes from my list that are present in my
> document and link them to a certain location ... Read some of the topics on
> this mailing list as well as the documentation but cannot determine a proper
> way of doing this or if it's "doable".

There's not currently support for this (other than being able to
determine which documents a phrase is present in by running a query).
It would certainly have uses though.

> I am thinking phrazes can also be stored in a separate index ... Is there a
> way of "intersecting" them ...?

Sorry, I'm not really sure what you're suggesting.


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