[Xapian-discuss] The dificult of develop an "Solr-like" to Xapian

Philip Neustrom philipn at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 01:22:32 GMT 2007

I was going to start working on something similar a little while ago
(back before remote xapian could write to the DB), but I ran into a
couple of problems.  The python bindings are not as complete as having
the actual C++ API, so you cannot access certain methods you would
need to roll your own xapian-tcpserv.

Such an auxiliary xapian-manager would be very useful, though, and I
think that everyone who's using xapian in production ends up rolling
their own sort of thing.  Even with remote databases having write
capability, there is still the one-write-at-a-time limitation, which
creates the need for some sort of spooling.  Some of this stuff could
be handled by the xapian-tcpserv directly, if it were extended..

--Philip Neustrom

On 1/2/07, Rafael SDM Sierra <sdm at underlinux.com.br> wrote:
> Hi all, looking the Incubator of Apache Project[1] I found the project
> Solr[2] which is a manager for locals and remotes databases of Lucene,
> executing tasks like caching and replication and providing results in
> diferents ways (JSON, XML, etc)[3].
> Based in this project, I want implement something similar, but I want yours
> feeling about it, I don't want start an project that the remote backend
> cover, nor start an started project ;)
> To explain the ideia, I wrote a basic diagram[4].
> What is the dificult to write this system? I'm planning write it in Python
> using the python bindings to manage the database and Twisted to manage the
> conections
> [1] - http://incubator.apache.org/
> [2] - http://incubator.apache.org/solr/
> [3] - Copied and modified from the introduction of the project: "Solr is an
> open source enterprise search server based on the Lucene Java search
> library, with XML/HTTP and JSON APIs, hit highlighting, faceted search,
> caching, replication, and a web administration interface. It runs in a Java
> servlet container such as Tomcat."
> [4] - http://img457.imageshack.us/img457/1354/xapianmanagermh0.png
> --
> SDM Underlinux
> http://stiod.wordpress.com
> Membro da equipe UnderLinux
> --
> PEP-8
> There is only 2 kinds of peoples in the world, who know English, and me. oO
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