[Xapian-discuss] omega: $field{sample} clarification

shudde shudde at gmail.com
Sun Jan 28 17:39:57 GMT 2007

I'm using omega for a sitesearch and currently having a problem trying 
to filter $field(sample). At the moment it returns text from the page 
header and navigation within the sample, ideally I'd like it to return 
only the page content. I've been trying various omegascript commands to 
trim the output or seperate the fields and also looking at scriptindex 
to control how the xhtml is parsed.

I'm still new to omega so I'd be grateful for any input on the proper 
method to use.

---omindex command

~/omega/bin/omindex --db ~/omega/data/default --mime-type 
xhtml:text/html --url / ~/site


  <form method="get" action="http://localhost/cgi-bin/omega.cgi">
    <div id="search">
      <input type="hidden" name="DB" value="default" />
      <input type="hidden" name="DEFAULTOP" value="AND" />
      <input type="text" name="P" value="" />


  <p>Searched $nice{$dbsize} document in $time seconds, $msize match 

    <a href="$field{url}">$html{$or{$field{caption},$field{url}}}</a>
  <div id="fieldsample">


 > Searched 1 document in 0.000277 seconds, 1 match found.

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