[Xapian-discuss] omega number range searches - query

Eike eike at orange.net
Tue Jul 24 00:59:58 BST 2007

I have installed and tested xapian/omega 1.02. I am using the omega.cgi for
searches and have indexed 1000+ plain text files using omindex. Fantastic!
Thanks, I am able to quickly and sensibly order these documents by text criteria.

These text files contain various numbers of dates in the form of YYYY, mostly in
free-text rather than formatted fields. I was hoping to be able to use the cgi
to limit searches of these documents by date/number ranges e.g. "catalogue
1890..1910", but I not getting what I expected.

Using godmode to inspect the indexing, only the 'file date modified' is stored
as Y2007, fair enough, the text is not in the YYYYMMDD format, but none of the
other numbers are stored as values either. In fact the document values all
appear to contain garbage e.g.

Document Values
Value#	Value
0	F¤Ý 
1	Xµsã1‘„z

The various years are picked out as plain terms, but I do not seem to be able to
do number range searches. I have scoured the documentation and mailing lists and
have now confused myself.

Can you help me with 2 questions:
1) Should the omega cgi interface support number range searches with/without
additional configuration?
2) From my outline does it appear that omindex has indexed my documents as
expected - with particular reference to the document values?

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