[Xapian-discuss] Xapian in use (Wiki Spot)

Philip Neustrom philipn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 08:56:36 BST 2007

Hello Xapian folks,

Because I've seen this sort of thing before, I wanted to let you all
know about a big thing I've been involved with that's using Xapian

The project is a non-profit, opens-source effort dedicated to helping
communities use wikis.  We're calling it Wiki Spot
(http://wikispot.org).  Our inspiration comes from the Davis Wiki
project (http://daviswiki.org), which many of us had been involved
with for a while now.

We're using Xapian to provide both for the ability to search
individual wikis as well as the ability to search across all of the
wikis on Wiki Spot.  Most all of our code is in python, so we've been
using the standard xapian python bindings.  We use an independent
search daemon[1] to process both queries and writes -- writes spool up
(Xapian can only perform one write at a time) and queries process in
threads.  Right now we average around one write every minute or so
(bound to increase), and we're doing as-real-time-as-we-can-muster

Xapian rocks!

--Philip Neustrom

1. Not xapian-tcpsrv, it's a simple python-based server we wrote.

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