[Xapian-discuss] Debian etch packages of php5-xapians have old style flat function interface

Daniel Ménard Daniel.Menard at bdsp.tm.fr
Wed May 23 08:24:23 BST 2007

Olly Betts a écrit :
>     If you're using PHP5, you also need to add `include "xapian.php"'
>     to your PHP scripts which use Xapian in order to get the PHP class
>     wrappers.
Unless I'm wrong, it seems that for now, xapian.php is not included in 
the deb packages...

A temporary workaround can be to get this file from one of the last 
(in the archive the file should be in /php/php5/xapian.php)

Hope this helps...


Daniel Ménard

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