[Xapian-discuss] Building RPM on RHEL4

Tim Brody tdb01r at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Thu May 31 22:56:18 BST 2007

Olly Betts wrote:
> On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 06:26:26PM +0100, Tim Brody wrote:

Hi Olly,

Sorry, this was a rubbish email sent while I was waiting for other stuff 
to finish. Better feedback inserted ...

>> Here's my attempt at a fix (basically don't run it if we have <1.9.5 
>> autoconf):
>> AUTOMAKE_VERSION=`automake --version | head -1 | sed 's/[^0-9]//g;'`
>> [ $AUTOMAKE_VERSION -gt 194 ] && autoreconf --force
> It might be needed for x86-64 though.  1.9.5 is a somewhat arbitrary
> requirement - it was the version in Debian sarge, so I figured it wasn't
> an onerous requirement for developers.  But running it from the spec
> file means we need to be a bit more conservative, so the simplest fix is
> probably just to relax the requirement on the automake version.

Here's the error:

[tdb01r at shorty xapian-core-1.0.0]$ autoreconf --force
configure.ac:112: require Automake 1.9.5, but have 1.9.2
autoreconf: automake failed with exit status: 1

Dropping the version to 1.9.2 lets it package on RHEL4 without error 
(although I haven't tested it on a live system).

>> It'd be nice to have a flag in the bindings to not compile for python 
>> (2.4 requirement breaks on RHEL4 which only has python 2.3).
> Umm.  The spec file we ship supports "--without python" (added in
> 0.9.10) and the Python requirement is:
> BuildRequires: python-devel >= 2.2

DAG rpm only has mono-1.1 for RHEL4, so CSharps out. RPM is 4.3.3 on RHEL4.

$ rpmbuild --without csharp --without python --ta 
$ rpmbuild --without csharp --ta xapian-bindings-1.0.0.tar.gz


RPM build errors:
    File not found: 

Building the tarball manually I can run all the python tests without 
error. Touch the file before using %ghost?


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