[Xapian-discuss] Result Snippet Highlighting?

Gert Brinkmann g111 at netcologne.de
Tue Apr 8 10:22:31 BST 2008

Thank you for all the information.

> For the sake of completeness, you've missed some Perl projects out there if all 
> you found was Lucene. Google for 'kinosearch' for starters.

kinosearch indeed looks interesting (I did not hear about it yet).

Also mentioned here
(page 104)

kinosearch will be displaced by lucy? But lucy is renamed to Zettair and
Zettair seems not be actively developed? http://www.seg.rmit.edu.au/zettair/

But kinosearch still seems to be actively developed other than mentioned
in the pdf on page 103!?

> I post this every time the subject comes up so forgive me if you've seen it in 
> the archives already. 

No, sorry, I did not see it.

> Check out http://search.cpan.org/dist/Search-Tools/ -- it 
> is IR-library independent.

This does look nice, too. But lucene has one big advantage: The
highlighted snippets are taken out of the index very fast. You do not
have to open the original documents to generate the snippets for
printing them out in the result list. As I understand this is the way
the Search-Tool works.

Thanks again,

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