[Xapian-discuss] how to delete all document from the DB (without deleting the DB itself)

Richard Boulton richard at lemurconsulting.com
Mon Apr 28 14:59:54 BST 2008

Kevin Duraj wrote:
> I think you are confusing search engines with databases. We are
> building search engine and not database. If you like to be frequently
> deleting documents efficiently then you need to switch to database. I
> would like recommend you to visit http://mysql.com you will find there
> what you looking for.

On the contrary, I'm certain that Alessandro is well aware of the 
difference between a search engine and a database.  Many search engines 
require the ability to delete documents frequently, and Xapian is quite 
capable of handling this.  Also, two solutions to Alessandro's question 
about how to delete all the documents but preserve the synonyms have 
already been supplied on this list.


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