[Xapian-discuss] Search docs with terms that match a pattern

David Versmisse david.versmisse at itaapy.com
Tue Apr 7 09:33:12 BST 2009


I have once again a small question: Is it possible to search a pattern
like "*foo*" ? I saw that we can use QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD but
only with "foo*" patterns. Have you got a trick to do that ?

And an other question with wildcards: i tested FLAG_WILDCARD and the
QueryParser, but i have some problems with special characters (by
example "/"). Is it possible to use escape characters to do that? I
tried "\/", but without good results. The problem is that your terms
are often "id", or something like that, with a lot of special
characters :-(

By advance, thank you for your answer,

Best regards,
David V. 

David Versmisse
Itaapy <http://www.itaapy.com>         Tel +33 (0)1 42 23 67 45
9 rue Darwin, 75018 Paris              Fax +33 (0)1 53 28 27 88
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