[Xapian-discuss] problems installing the perl modules

BUNK (Jacob Bunk Nielsen) bunk at novozymes.com
Tue Apr 7 13:31:18 BST 2009

Amias Channer <something at amias.org.uk> writes:

> Where can i get the correct version of the Perl module ?

Isn't it in your distribution? Then you should be able to 'apt-get
install libsearch-xapian-perl' or similar. However, security updates for
Sarge was discontinued more than a year ago¹, so you might have trouble
finding a mirror. Perhaps it's time to consider an upgrade?

> Wouldn't it make sense not to put the module on CPAN if there is not
> time to keep it up to date , instead you could package it in backports
> or the ubunutu PPA. After all people use CPAN for simplicity so there is
> little point if its only going to work for a tiny portion of the time
> when the versions are in sync. maybe i have missed something ....

You've missed 2 (and an half) Debian versions :-)

> As an aside , i would rather have a seperate repo for xapian than
> bringing in backports . Having a seperate repo means i can add it simply
> without risking the importing of any backports code in to my stable
> system.

You just pin it in you /etc/apt/preferences, but according to
backports.org² sarge-backports was discontinued on July 11th 2008.

Perhaps you should rather consider upgrading your Debian system, so
you'll also have security updates. Then it should also be straight
forward to get the Perl module installed using apt.

¹) http://www.debian.org/releases/sarge/
²) http://backports.org/dokuwiki/doku.php

Best regards


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