[Xapian-discuss] Xapian 1.0.7-3.1 (python libs) : can't find anything

Cedric Jeanneret cedric.jeanneret at camptocamp.com
Thu Apr 23 11:46:26 BST 2009

Hello again.

really, really weird : I tried the sha1sum thing... and guess what: NO difference between directories !

and :

[server where's my search engine]
root at sawi:/var/lib/xapian_dbs/commun# delve -t ifremer .
term `ifremer' not in database

[source server]
delve -t ifremer .
Posting List for term `ifrem': 1 5 102 121 132 139 [....... a lot of files]

Arch are exactly the same:
Linux fileserver 2.6.26-2-openvz-amd64 #1 SMP Fri Mar 27 05:10:50 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux

("servers" are openvz containers, if it can help you).

I just tried to scp indexes, and same result...

I just tested something :
[server where's my search engine]
root at sawi:/var/lib/xapian_dbs/commun# delve --version
delve - xapian-core 1.0.7

[source server]
delve --version
delve - xapian-core 0.9.9

I guess that's the trick..... indexes made with 0.9.9 aren't compatible with 1.0.7... ?


C. Jeanneret

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 02:24:43 +0100
Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 02:18:35PM +0200, Cedric Jeanneret wrote:
> > Any idea why I lose index informations while rsync-ing them ?
> It's just bits on disk, and after rsync has successfully completed, the
> files should be identical at each end.  So my first suggestion is to
> check this - the easiest way is to do:
> cd /path/to/database
> sha1sum * > /tmp/checksums.txt
> The copy /tmp/checksums.txt to the other machine, and on the other machine:
> cd /path/to/database
> sha1sum -c /tmp/checksums.txt
> If you don't have sha1sum, then md5sum will do.
> If they don't match, then there's either a bug in rsync, or it hasn't
> completed yet.
> If they do, then I'm not sure.  If there machines are different,
> especially if they have different architectures (e.g. x86 vs x86-64)
> then perhaps we have a portability bug.  Databases are meant to be
> compatible whatever platforms are used to build/read them, but there
> could be an obscure bug which means they aren't always.
> If the checksums don't match, try running "xapian-check" on the
> copy.
> Cheers,
>     Olly

Cédric Jeanneret                 |  System Administrator
021 619 10 32                    |  Camptocamp SA
cedric.jeanneret at camptocamp.com  |  PSE-A / EPFL
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