[Xapian-discuss] Odd issue with PHP Bindings and TermIterator

Jonathan Drake jdrake at simplesft.com
Wed Feb 4 19:17:29 GMT 2009

I'm using the Enquirer to return a term iterator for each document in  
the MSet. Rather oddly since normally you use a deference to access  
the string from the iterator, in the PHP bindings the function is  
called get_term(). So I call a simple $term_it->get_term() and it  
returns a string but the string returned always starts with a capital  

For instance:

string(11) "Zhernández"
string(7) "ZSoccer"

Ignore the fact that the first string reports 11 character entries  
(PHP uses ASCII mode and the accented character uses 2 entries to be  
displayed properly). I'm wondering if this is expected behavior? Is  
this the way its stored in the Xapian database or do we have an off by  
one error somewhere in the bindings?

Any input would be great

Thanks, Jonathan

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