[Xapian-discuss] how to add polish stem and stop words?

Rafi webdeveloper at poczta.onet.pl
Tue Jul 28 11:35:54 BST 2009

Hello Olly,

I've contacted with polish group, who was involved in creating polish
dictionaries. I've got whole dictionary with words and theirs
declention ie:

akineza, akinez, akinezach, akinezami, akinez±, akinezę, akinezie, akinezo, akinezom, akinezy

'akineza' is nominative, as I understand you need two files, something like that:

polish.st    polish.voc
akinez       akineza
akinez       akinez
akinez       akinezach
akinez       akinezami
akinez       akinezą
akinez       akinezę
akinez       akinezie
akinez       akinez
akinez       akinezom
akinez       akinezy

right? if yes I'll try to create those two files, ASAP.
How do you think how much time do you need to add polish stem to xapian??
How big shold be this file? I've more then 180K lines of words ;)

Best regards,
 Rafi                            mailto:webdeveloper at poczta.onet.pl

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