[Xapian-discuss] Avoiding "stale" Search Results

Miki Tebeka miki at fattoc.com
Wed May 20 20:51:20 BST 2009

Hello Olly,

> > From a bit of experimenting, this problem is caused by the Python __repr__
> > which tried to some more information from the database.
> Sorry, not sure what __repr__ does...
It's like Javas "toString", a way for an object to tell how to show itself
in string format.
> > I guess I'm looking for a way to make the results not lazy.
> There isn't one (well, unless xappy provides something). It would be
> slow to eagerly read everything you might want that is reachable from
> any entry in the MSet, especially with the remote backend.  Better to
> just let the user go through and read what they actually need if they
> don't want it to be read on demand.
Easier yes, but in my case where the backend is updated frequently is poses
a problem. I have a work around but it's ugly ;)

All the best,
Miki Tebeka
miki at fattoc.com

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