[Xapian-discuss] Install questions for 1.0.16 and 1.1.2

Ying Liu liux0395 at umn.edu
Wed Oct 21 16:36:04 BST 2009

I sent two emails to Xapian Discussion yesterday but I guess it didn't 
send correctly. Sorry if it goes out more than once.

On Oct 20 2009, Ying Liu wrote:

 > Hello All,
 > I accidentally upgrade Perl from 5.10.0 to 5.10.1. So, it couldn't 
find previous installed Perl modules and I reinstalled them. When I 
reinstall Search-Xapian-, it tells me "You've asked me to link 
against what appears to be an uninstalled xapian-core tree, but I can't 
find libtool in that tree". I tried to reinstalled xapian-core and 
xapian-omega and xapian-bindings, but this problem still exits.
 > By command "dpkg --get-selections > installed-software", I found 
three packages related to xapian. They are "apt-xapian-index", 
"libxapian15", and "python-xapian". Should I remove those?
 > Thank you,
 > Ying

I removed the three packages by 'apt-get remove apt-xapian-index', 
'apt-get remove libxapian15" and 'apt-get remove python-xapian'. After 
that, when I run 'dpkg --get-selections > installed-software', it tells 
me they are 'deinstall' and the info of 'python-xapian' are gone.

apt-xapian-index  deinstall
libxapian15      deinstall

And then, I tried to reinstall xapian-core-1.0.16. After that, the 
installed-software doesn't update and still shows the apt-xapian-index 
is deinstall. BTW, I am using Ubuntu 9.04, and the computer is Dell 
Optiplex 960. I still could not install the Search-Xapian Perl modules. 
Still tells me You've asked me to link against what appears to be an 
uninstalled xapian-core tree, but I can't find libtool in that tree".

I downloaded Xapian 1.1.2 and tried to install this version at 
http://oligarchy.co.uk/xapian/1.1.2/. For xapian-core, after I ran 
'./configure', it has an error "uuid/uuid.h not found - required for 
chert and flint (you may need to install the uuid-dev or libuuid-devel 
package)." Then, I download the "uuid-dev_1.2-1.41.4-lubuntu1_lpia.deb" 
package. When I run the uuid package, it told me Wrong architecture 'lpia'.


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