[Xapian-discuss] postlist: Tag containing meta information is corrupt.

Henry C. henka at cityweb.co.za
Mon Feb 1 14:25:00 GMT 2010

> Can you try running the following command (substituting the
> appropriate path for your database for [db]):
> echo | xapian-inspect-1.1 [db]/postlist.
> The output line I'm interested in is the one following "Key: \x00".
> It should be something like:
> Tag: \n\xe8\t\xac\x02\x92E||

Here you go:

Key: \x00
Tag: \xd4\x06\xac\x07\x8c\x18\xb9\xc0\x03\xc5\x01E\x01
? Key: \x00\xd0\x00&\x01
Tag: \x9a\x02 2010 Calendar For Auspicious...

I'll follow up on your other q's shortly.

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