[Xapian-discuss] Influence of Google PageRank of a page on other pages of same site

Henry C. henka at cityweb.co.za
Thu Nov 18 13:52:53 GMT 2010


I know this is the wrong forum for this kind of question and is only
ephemerally related to xapian, but maybe someone here knows and will save me
some digging.

Given a google PR of, say, .15 for page A of site x.com, does google "radiate"
any of that PR goodness onto any other pages of site x.com?  Irrespective of
whether page A links to any other pages in site x.com.

In other words, if page A has a PR of 0.15, do pages B,C,D...N benefit in any
way? (even if only by a tiny fractional value based on page A's value?
eg, PR(B) += PR(A)/(100*N) where N=number of pages in site x.com).

I'm not talking about the traditional inbound link contributions, etc, only
how -- if at all -- a page influences the importance of other pages in the
same site with it's own PR.

I doubt it, but I can't shake the feeling that if a particular page on a site
has a non-zero PR, then that somehow must slightly elevate the importance of
the site as a whole -- albeit only by the smallest of measure such that the
site's other pages *might* be considered more relevant.


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