[Xapian-discuss] perl bindings

Tim Brody tdb2 at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Nov 22 10:39:47 GMT 2010

Hi All,

When are the XS-based Perl bindings going to be deprecated in favour of
the SWIG bindings?

Please remove the dead RHEL RPMs from:

I've built RPMs for RHEL5/CentOS5 (with a different signing key) here:
RHEL4 is eol and shouldn't be used.

For my own convenience I have written an RPM for the repository:

rpm -ivh
yum update
yum install xapian-core

Which will tie users to rpm.eprints.org but the RPM could be trivially
rewritten to xapian.org.
(NB CentOS expects /5/ whereas RHEL expects /5Server/)

All the best,

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