[Xapian-discuss] Xapian 1.2.3 released

Menard, Daniel Daniel.Menard at ehesp.fr
Wed Sep 1 16:09:06 BST 2010

> Windows build files and binaries are now at the usual place:
> http://www.flax.co.uk/xapian_binaries

Thanks Charlie! As usual, this is highly appreciated!

> Notable changes are support for Python 2.7 and the use of Microsoft
> Visual Studio 2008 to build the binaries over the 2005 version.

The move to VS2008 (VC9) is a good one, but this involves, for a php
user like me, to completely replace the http stack used (finding VC9
binaries for apache, for apache modules, for php and for every php
extension I use) which is not so easy on Windows...

By the way, do you plan to provide binaries for php 5.3 in the future?
I see that php_xapian.dll is still linked against php 5.2 but it is not
active anymore [1].

In fact, do you know if Xapian bindings can be compiled against php 5.3?
I know about ticket #459 [2] but I'm not sure I understand it correctly:
IIRC, the php api version change with every minor release (5.1, 5.2,
5.3...) so it is normal that a binary for php 5.2 can not be used with
php 5.3. I probably miss something!



[1] http://www.php.net/archive/2010.php#id2010-07-22-1
[2] http://trac.xapian.org/ticket/459

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