Query regarding Xapian-Matcher Optimisation Project, GSOC-2016

Sanat Jain sanatskj at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 11:03:08 GMT 2016

Hello Sir/Ma’am

I beg to state that I was looking for a project In GSOC 2016 which matches
my skill and passion, and I came across Matcher Optimisation, Xapian. This
project has really captured my interest and I would love to contribute to
this project.

I am a computer engineering undergraduate so I am good at programming
languages (especially C and C++), algorithms, logical and analytical
thinking (as my hobby is solving logical puzzles). But I am new to real
world IT development.

I would be really thankful if you could clear my following queries,

1) There are 5 tickets on


And 11 tickets on


So how many tickets are there and what is the difference between assigned
and new ticket (as mentioned in the 2nd link)? And how many tickets should
I pick in my project?

2) What are the pre-requisites that I should fulfil before I can get into
learning about these tickets (because it is difficult for me to understand
a few things in them)?

3) It will take me a little time to understand the Xapian’s code and
optimisation techniques in depth, so may I do research in depth in the time
between 25th of March and 22nd of April and submit my proposal in a brief

Thanking you in advance

Sanat Kumar Jain

B.E. Computer Engineering

Thapar University, Patiala

India(GMT +5hr 30min)

P.S. Sorry for sending my query so late, I had classes and to be honest, a
little hesitation being a beginner which I just overcame. And I am sure
that I will make a valuable contribution to the project this summer.

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