Welcome to the "Xapian-discuss" mailing list

Gaby Goldberg gaby.goldberg at rivdata.com
Wed Jun 20 20:39:20 BST 2018


I'm new to Xapian and wanted to know if it has a specific feature. I want
to be able to check the relation between two terms on a page based on how
close they are together on the page. I want to use a combination of n-gram
based labeling and the "slop" feature found in Elasticsearch. Does Xapian
have this/a similar feature? I haven't been able to find any programs that
have features similar to the "slop" feature on Elasticsearch yet.


On Wed, Jun 20, 2018 at 12:36 PM <xapian-discuss-request at lists.xapian.org>

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Gaby Goldberg
Data Analysis and Marketing Intern
p: 805.452.5413
w: carpe.io e: gaby.goldberg@ <alexis.leitner at carpe.io>rivdata.com
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