xapian parser bug?

James Aylett james at tartarus.org
Sun Sep 30 09:50:30 BST 2018

David — this isn't the behaviour I see what QueryParser alone, unless you're driving it in a way I don't expect. In python:

>>> import xapian
>>> qp = xapian.QueryParser()
>>> qp.add_prefix('subject', 'S')
>>> str(qp.parse_query('subject:"and"', qp.FLAG_DEFAULT|qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE))
'Query(Sand at 1)'
>>> str(qp.parse_query('subject:"or"', qp.FLAG_DEFAULT|qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE))
'Query(Sor at 1)'
>>> str(qp.parse_query('subject:"not"', qp.FLAG_DEFAULT|qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE))
'Query(Snot at 1)'
>>> str(qp.parse_query('subject:" not "', qp.FLAG_DEFAULT|qp.FLAG_BOOLEAN_ANY_CASE))
'Query(Snot at 1)'

Note that I'm using 1.4.7, and from your output I believe you're not (the * in the query description I believe doesn't happen in those situations any more).


> On 29 Sep 2018, at 23:09, David Bremner <david at tethera.net> wrote:
> Today we noticed that keywords can't be searched as prefixed terms. Or
> that's what it looks like anyway. I tested and, or, and not.
> ╰─% NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=y notmuch search 'subject:"and"'
> Query string is:
> subject:"and"
> notmuch search: A Xapian exception occurred
> A Xapian exception occurred parsing query: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression>
> Query string was: subject:"and"
> ╰─% NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=y notmuch search 'subject:"or"' 
> Query string is:
> subject:"or"
> notmuch search: A Xapian exception occurred
> A Xapian exception occurred parsing query: Syntax: <expression> OR <expression>
> Query string was: subject:"or"
> ╰─% NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=y notmuch search 'subject:"not"'
> Query string is:
> subject:"not"
> notmuch search: A Xapian exception occurred
> A Xapian exception occurred parsing query: Syntax: <expression> NOT <expression>
> Query string was: subject:"not"
> Interestingly, putting space around the operator seems to be a
> workaround. Something about turning on phrase parsing maybe?
> ╰─% NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=y notmuch count 'subject:" not "'
> Query string is:
> subject:" not "
> Exclude query is:
> Query((((Kspam OR Kdeleted) OR Kmuted) OR Kbad-address))
> Final query is:
> Query(((Tmail AND 0 * XSUBJECTnot at 1) AND_NOT (((Kspam OR Kdeleted) OR Kmuted) OR Kbad-address)))
> 9927

 James Aylett
 devfort.com — spacelog.org — tartarus.org/james/

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