Advanced search with wildcard using notmuch for mutt

io io at
Wed Dec 6 07:07:08 GMT 2023

i like to know how do we use 'FLAG_FUZZY' if one need to use 'quest' to do the search query.

Best regards,
On Mon, Dec 04, 2023 at 05:10:57PM -0400, David Bremner wrote:
> Olly Betts <olly at> writes:
> > The development version of Xapian supports both `*` and `?` glob-style
> > wildcards in any position.
> >
> > You can enable them for the QueryParser using FLAG_WILDCARD_MULTI,
> > FLAG_WILDCARD_SINGLE or FLAG_WILDCARD_GLOB (the last one is just the
> > first two combined).
> I see FLAG_FUZZY as well, supporting edit distance. Sounds like release
> 1.5 will be a crowd pleaser ;)
> d

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