Advanced search with wildcard using notmuch for mutt

Olly Betts olly at
Thu Dec 7 18:55:46 GMT 2023

On Wed, Dec 06, 2023 at 03:07:08PM +0800, io wrote:
> i like to know how do we use 'FLAG_FUZZY' if one need to use 'quest'
> to do the search query.

E.g. this will match a document indexed by term "fuzzy":

quest --flags=default,fuzzy --db=/path/to/db 'phuzzy~'

Default edit distance is 2, but you can also specify it explicitly, e.g.
phuzzi~3 sets it to 3 and phuzzi~0.5 sets it to half the length (so also
3 here).

As Bremner indicated, this is new in git master.


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