[Xapian-devel] Question regarding LETOR

Mayank Chaudhary mayankchaudhary.iitr at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 09:41:03 GMT 2014


On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 1:31 PM, Parth Gupta <pargup8 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Mayank,
>  1. Could you please provide me with the link for query-file, qrel-file
>> for the dataset available at
>> http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/d5/software/inex/ .
> Very recently I have added a small section "exercise to warm-up" for
> Learning-to-Rank Project on Project idea page (
> http://trac.xapian.org/wiki/GSoCProjectIdeas#Project:LearningtoRank ),
> you should do this exercise. You the information you ask there.
>> 2. I wanted to know how automated testing would be implemented. Will
>> there be test cases like a test query must match this particular N results
>> and this particular ranking. Or will it be in terms of evaluation of the IR
>> algorithm something like MAP and NDCG score must >= a particular value?
> Yes, for the ranking algorithms, the automated test contains set of
> queries, their relevance judgments and document collection. For this part,
> you dont need a large dataset like INEX. For example, you can take 20
> simple documents, prepare 5 queries on them and judge each document of that
> query as relevant or non-relevant. During the test, run the algorithms on
> this dataset and see what is/are the value of MAP and/or NDCG and/or other
> evaluation metrics. Ideally, each time the value should be same if the
> ranking algorithm/process or evaluation metric itself is not changed.
>> 3. When are you available at IRC? It's easier to communicate through IRC
>> (atleast for me).
> These days I am not able to catch up the discussions on IRC, so yes, if I
> am there and see you, will ping otherwise just ask your questions there and
> then someone from our side will respond (if its not specifically meant for
> only me).
>> This question is rather just because I was curious. Is there nothing like
>> K-fold validation in Learning to Rank?
> Well, k-fold validation is more on the evaluation side and is very much
> part of the learning-to-rank culture in fact whenever machine learning is
> involved, k-fold validation becomes inevitable. Usually you see this
> feature a lot when the library is especially meant for researchers. K-fold
> validation is yet to be included in the xapian-letor and it would be
> addressed with the evaluation metric issues.
> Cheers,
> Parth.
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