xapian bug tracker registration email is not working

Ian Kelling IanKelling
Fri Mar 31 21:13:14 BST 2017

I tried to register yesterday, twice with 2 email addresses. The website
said it sent me mail, I never got a mail. Someone else, please confirm
this is broken.

A bug I'd like to file is that I'd like an option to search
*word. Currently you can only search word*. The example where I would
find this useful is searching for urls and email addresses. For example,
I want to find emals from *xapian.org, can't do it now. I want to find
urls including *xapian.org*, can't do it.

Another small infrastructure bug is that
https://lists.xapian.org/mailman/listinfo/xapian-devel says you can
simply send an email to the list without subscribing, but it seems no
one is paying attention to the moderation queue, so those messages just
in moderation forever. This is a common problem among projects, but you
can easily change the mailman page to say "You must subscribe to the
list to send messages."

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