[Xapian-discuss] xapian.DocNotFoundError: regression?

Jason Tackaberry tack at urandom.ca
Thu Feb 18 15:53:08 GMT 2010


I've installed xapian-core 1.1.3 and xapian-bindings 1.1.4 from the
tarballs announced by Olly the other day.  With these versions,
Enquire.get_mset() seems to consistently be raising

I've attached a small test case which reproduces this.  The same test
case works fine with 1.0.16 (not the latest 1.0.x, but it's what I had

Program output with 1.1.3 (core) / 1.1.4 (bindings):
        tack at orion:~$ rm -rf xapdb/; python xaptest.py 
        Traceback (most recent call last):
          File "xaptest.py", line 23, in <module>
            print enquire.get_mset(0, 10)
        xapian.DocNotFoundError: Document 2 not found

Program output with 1.0.16:

        tack at orion:~$ rm -rf xapdb/; python xaptest.py 
        matches_lower_bound=10, matches_estimated=10,
        matches_upper_bound=10, max_possible=0.047060994820388071802,
        max_attained=0.023530497410194035901, Xapian::MSetItem(1,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(2,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(3,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(4,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(5,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(6,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(7,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(8,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(9,
        0.023530497410194035901, ), Xapian::MSetItem(10,
        0.023530497410194035901, )))

Should I report a bug, or have I neglected to take note of some relevant
API changes?

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